





Policy consulting

We consult federal, EU and international clients in the fields of energy and climate policy, environmental policy, and in the design of economic instruments.

Model-based economic analysis

We simulate economic impacts of policy measures with the computable general equilibrium models GENESWIS and GENEWMOD. The simulations and analyses address macroeconomic, sectoral and distributional issues.

Research projects

We plan, coordinate and execute work packages in research projects in the fields of climate economics, environmental economics, public economics and equilibrium modeling.

Project support

We support project teams with methodological competence in economics, especially in general equilibrium modeling, dynamic abatement cost computations, projection of economic climate change impacts and valuation methods.

Workshops and talks on climate economics

Frank Vöhringer gives lectures, workshops and talks on issues in climate change and climate economics.

Training in equilibrium modeling for researchers

We give training workshops for research teams who start general equilibrium projects and need to acquire modeling know-how. The workshops are tailored to fit your specific needs.